Our First Month in Bekan School
We had great fun during our first month in Junior Infants. Our theme for learning through play this month was ‘Homes.’ We played in different areas in the classroom and we got to make lots of new friends.
Here are some of the areas we played in.
Role-play area– we had great fun pretending to be a family. We spent time preparing meals in the kitchen, minding the babies and even using a laptop to work from home.
Small world area -we loved playing with our doll house. The dolls were very busy heading off to weddings. Luckily they were able to take the train as we built a track for them.
Creative art- we had great fun practising our cutting and pasting skills. We chose our favourite toys from catalogues and made posters for our bedrooms.
Construction- we used Lego and MegaBloks to build houses.